Six Soviet Misfits
Icarus is the misadventures of electronic surgeons Ollie Bown and Sam Britton, following the fiddly twisted rhythm along a scratchy line; noise from black boxes through which only certain pieces of data may pass. This in turn feeds through boards and wires to become processed as musical, by default. In short, an effect similar to dropping ink into water is experienced aurally as a series of ineffable blips, interleaved within the sounds of the marketplace. With a bit of luck this should reconfigure musical industriality into a dadaist work of precision chaos, but a freak occurrence could equally spell disaster for us all. Hailed by fellow London-based electronic superstars Four Tet and Manitoba (now known as Caribou) as some of the most important electronic music being made today, Six Soviet Misfits, their fourth proper album, is their most fully realized yet.
1. UL-6
2. Borichaen Pintack
3. Deutshe Oper
4. Benevolent Incubator
5. Despair
DISC TWO:1. Nine Fresian
2. Dolphin Lylic
3. Kipperkun Scratch
4. Xot Zioks
5. Skate Glug
6. Elephant Kiosk